Reflecting on Restorative Practices: A Year-End Message from LAIRP

Written by Dr. Will Pulgarin | Dec 19, 2024 2:44:56 PM

As the year comes to a close, I’m honored to write the final blog for the Los Angeles Institute for Restorative Practices (LAIRP). In keeping with the spirit of reflection and growth, I want to take a more didactic approach for this post. Here’s my story:

My journey with restorative practices began during my time as a high school teacher in Los Angeles, California around 2014. Like many educators, I was initially skeptical of the approach. It seemed to place additional responsibility on teachers to address students’ misbehavior, and I wasn’t convinced it would work.

My first encounter with restorative practices in action came after a student walked out of my classroom without permission in the middle of a lesson. He refused to return and went to sit in the cafeteria instead. When I went to go get him, he ignored me and refused to comply. The next day, an administrator facilitated a restorative meeting between the student and me, guided by restorative questions:

  • What happened?
  • What were you thinking at the time?
  • What have you thought about since?
  • Who was affected by your decision?
  • What do we need to do to make things right?

During the conversation, the student expressed that he felt I was holding him to stricter behavioral expectations than others because I “liked” him less. In reflecting on his words, I realized he was mostly right. I had been unintentionally monitoring him more closely and expecting the worst from his actions. While other students could move around the classroom freely, I quickly reprimanded him for the same behavior. 

That conversation transformed our relationship. A few years later, the same student returned to ask for my help in completing his GED—a testament to the lasting impact of our restorative interaction.

This experience, and many others like it, made me a believer in restorative practices. They not only improved my classroom management but also brought me closer to the teacher I aspired to be when I first entered the profession. The approach aligned with who I wanted to be for my students. 

However, I didn’t fully understand why restorative practices worked until I connected with LAIRP. The institute not only trains educators and schools nationwide but also delves deeply into the science behind restorative practices.

The answer lies in the juxtaposition of psychology and neuroscience. By integrating psychology and brain science, LAIRP explains what happens in our bodies and minds when we use restorative approaches to resolve and mediate conflicts.

True understanding is measured by the ability to teach others. So, as a parting gift, I’m sharing a three-minute video that explains right-brain restorative practices in an accessible way. I hope you enjoy!

Thank you for an incredible year of learning and growth. Here’s to continuing the journey together.

Shout out to Ilana Mayayo for all her amazing work on this video! You can contact Ilana at